Applied Materials never needed to make any special effort to reach out to its customers, and their tradeshow presence showed it. It was a fortress. But things change, and now now Applied is recasting itself as an innovation leader, and partner you can work with. So for this booth, they needed something new. Something friendly. Something that would draw folks from all over the show floor, and create a buzz. The solution? Nanoball: a giant, immersive pinball-like experience that showcases Applied’s many innovations in a truly memorable way.
Click on the frame below to activate. Then hit space bar to initiate the first level.
After the intro movie ends, use the Q and P keys to activate the flippers.
This game was played on six angled plasma screens on the booth floor. The visual output each was then aggregated into a large overhead panorama. The result was a two level experience. Passersby saw a beautiful, pulsing animation about Applied Materials Innovations. Players got an engaging, hands-on experience that exemplified Applied's new brand attributes. Here's a video Delphi made of the booth experience
This was a uniquely challenging project. A game of this size and scale had not been done before. Combining the game outputs into a larger canvas was a design challenge, and projecting onto assymetrical curving screens stretched the capabilities of the available technology. The end result, though, was the hit of the show. Here are some pictures of the installation.